quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007

Ainda me lembro dos tempos das HD-TVs e dos Plasmas

O quê, voces ainda têm Plasmas ou LCDs ? Pensam em evoluir para um LCD Full-HD?

Mas em que ano é que estão ? ah... 2007. Está bem... esperem 2 anitos.
2009, digo eu! E não é com aqueles óculos ridículos que vão ver TV em 3d...

É assim, é LINDO:

You're going to have to trust me when I tell you that in person, on this particular TV, these dice really look as if they're floating about a foot in front of the set," a NY1 reporter said in a recent broadcast, referring to a 3D image which displayed a pair of dice rolling on a table.Joe Swillens of Philips 3D Solutions told the news service that 3D TV is a combination of advanced technology and old-fashioned brain trickery.

"What is happening, technically, is that the lens is basically making sure the two eyes of us are seeing different parts of the screen," said Swillens. "So the lens makes sure the left eye sees a certain set of pixels and the right eye another set of pixels and if the electronics makes sure the right images are there, the brain does the rest and creates a 3D experience."

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